The church isn't just something you "go to" it is something you are a part of! We want to invite people into a place of continued investment and belonging at Ogden with an emphasis on Group Life. Wherever you are on your journey we want to invite you to take your next step of belonging here! Take a look at some of our key Group Life expressions at Ogden:
Life Group
We aren't designed to undertake the Christian walk in isolation! Simply put, Life Groups are a group of people doing "life together" centered around the Word of God. Groups will gather at least 1-2 times per month, often around meals, to spend time in fellowship and growth around the Bible.
Growth Group Classes
Growth Group Classes offer opportunities for more in depth studies often offered in a class context. Ranging from small to mid-sized options Growth Groups mark an excellent way to experience fellowship and spiritual growth of group life while still in a larger more open context.
Upcoming Events
Ogden Church General Calendar
Ogden Students Calendar
Group Life
Ogden Kids Calendar
Growth Group Classes
Affinities & Events
Men's Forged Groups
In 2021 Jerry Barron, an elder at the church, re-energized Men’s Ministry at Ogden Church under the name of Forged taking inspiration from the Proverbs 27:17 verse about iron sharpening iron. The long-term goal was to help men in the church connect with one another and grow in their faith. While Jerry passed away before being able this vision reach full maturity that mission and passion continues with these intentional Men’s Groups that will bear the name of the ministry so close to Jerry’s heart. Forged groups are designed to discipline men to take ownership in their marriages, family, workplace, and most importantly ownership in their faith. As Proverbs 27:17 reminds us, spiritual growth is meant to be experienced in community. Forged studies range from 3-9 month programs utilizing curriculum provided by Christ Led Communities (CLC) all the way to the flagship Refinery study that is designed to undertaken by 8-12 men over 2 years.
Women's JOY Groups
An intentional 2-year women's study designed to help bring the participant into deeper knowledge of "Jesus, Others, and You." JOY groups create a space for women to be deeply known in community and to take deeper levels of ownership and engagement in their faith.
Additional Group Offerings
Men's & women's Prayer
Groups that meet to spend time in dedicated prayer.
- Women's Prayer: Tuesdays @ 10a
- Men's Prayer: Thursdays @ 6a
Woven Motherhood Fellowship
Woven aims to not only create fellowship for mothers but to challenge them to grow in their faith not only for their own sake but for that of the children God has entrusted to them. Meets 1st & 3rd Fridays during the school year
Widows Support Group
For those who are grieving the loss of a spouse, they are invited to be a part of the supportive fellowship of the Widows Support Group that meets weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00p
Celebrate Recovery
Anyone with habits, hurts, or hangups is welcome to come on Saturday mornings from 9-11 to participate in Celebrate Recovery. The Christian based program walks alongside hurting people as they seek to be healed and made whole in a way only Christ can achieve.
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