Whether you're in college or in the early stages of your career, single or married, we know Young Adults need a place to connect and belong in God's church. At Ogden we are committed both directly and through our ministry partnership with Young Life to invest in the Young Adults of our community.

The Big Picture
Find a Life Group
We believe, for anyone involved at Ogden Church, that being involved in Group Life is integral to the spiritual growth of an individual. Whether through an age-specific or intergenerational expression we invite you to find a group to connect and belong to.
Find a Serving Home
Find a place to plug-in and use your God-given gifts to make an impact in the community of the church. Whether serving on the tech team, as an usher, or in one of the Next-Gen Ministry areas, there is a place for you to belong and invest your gifts here!
Young Life College
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
In addition to Life Groups, Ogden partners with Lenawee County Young Life and encourages college-aged students to get involved with Adrian College Young Life. This is open to all college-aged students regardless of whether or not they are enrolled students at Adrian College.